Malaga Pass and the Eastern Slopes of the Andes

One of the famous birding areas in the Cusco region, easily reach in a full day from the Urubamba Valley or Cusco, bird observation is done along the road that connects Cusco with La Convencion Province. Selected stops are made on route at various elevations experiencing different habitats from andean scrub, paramo, upper montane forest and cloud forest in search of target species. The scenery is quite impressive once the high pass is reach with excellent views of the Huakaywilka Massif. This a good option for birders wanting to increase their life lists and expand their knowledge on Andean birds or simply enjoy a full birding day in some of the most dramatic andean habitats.


  • Embark on a private birding experience with a local expert
  • Bird at one of the highest passes in the Andes the Malaga Pass(14,200 ft – 4,316 masl)
  • Enjoy great vistas of the Massif Wakaywillka (5,850 masl)
  • Enrich your knowledge about andean avifauna

Full Day

Early departure from your hotel. Our fisrt stop will be at some scrubby vegetation, where several interesting birds are found, some target species include the endemics Chesnut-breasted Mountain-Finch, White-tufted Sunbeam, Rusty-fronted Canastero and Creamy-crested Spinetail, a great variety of hummers such as Giant, Black and Green tailed Trainbearers, Great Sapphire-wing, Shinning Sunbeam, Sparkling violetear, Tyrian metatail, Sword-billed and various others.
The birding as we reach the pass is quiet rewarding with several species of seedeaters, sierra finches and ground tyrants, raptors are a good possibility as well and if luck is with us we may spot the majestic Andean Condor. Once over the pass the habitat gets more humid as we are in the eastern slopes of the andes, the habitat change is quiet dramatic, Chusquea bamboo patches offers good possibilities for Parodis Hemispingus (endemic), Unstreaked Tit-tyrant (endemic), Marcapata Spinetail (endemic) several species of conebills, furnarids, mountain tanagers and flycatchers. The side fast moving streams are good for Torrent Duck and White capped Dipper. Afternoon drive back to hotel. 


  • Private transport
  • Professional birding guide
  • Meals for guide and driver
  • Field guide, library of sounds and scope for better spotting